China cloned super cow that produces 18 ton milk

Image/Global News

Chinese biologists have for the first time cloned a super cow that can produce 18 tons of milk annually.

According to the newspaper "Global Times", scientists from China's Northwestern University of Agriculture and Forestry cloned three calves by somatic cell nuclear transfer using animal ear tissue.

According to the report, the first calf weighed 56.7 kg and was 76 cm tall and 113 cm long at birth, and acquired the exact shape and skin pattern of its cloned target.

Jin Yaping, the leader of the research team, said that this experiment is of great importance for the recovery of cattle in China because 70 percent of the cows in China are bought from abroad.

He added, “We plan to produce more than 1,000 super cows in two to three years' time, which will be a strong foundation to address China's dependence on overseas animal supplies. "

About Hassham Farooqi

Hassham has passion for writing he is a freelance journalist & digital content creator.


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