Hollywood actor Vin Diesel blamed for sexual battery by Ex assistant in civil lawsuit

Hollywood action star and “Fast and Furious” Vin Diesel has been sued by his former assistant over allegations of ‘sexually playing with himself’ in front of her while working for him in 2010.

Asta Jonasson, Hollywood actor Vin Diesel's ex assistant, sued the actor for supposed sexual battery, and unfair breakoff.

Vin Diesel has been accused of sexually assaulting his assistant in an Atlanta hotel room over a decade ago, according to a lawsuit.

Jonasson’s attorney, Claire-Lise Kutlay, said in a statement that her client’s lawsuit seeks to hold Diesel and those who “allowed and covered up his sexual assault, accountable for their egregious actions.”

About Hassham Farooqi

Hassham has passion for writing he is a freelance journalist & digital content creator.


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